Member Plant Selections
These plants are available as a free yearly benefit to our Explorer and Sponsor level members.
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Founding member exclusive plant selections
Thank you for joining the JLBG Membership program! We have worked hard to propagate a selection of rare and previously unintroduced perennials for you to add to your garden. As an Explorer level member you are invited to select one of items from this list, and as a Sponsor level member you are invited to select three. The checkout process is handled by Plant Delights Nursery. You may choose your preferred pick-up or shipping date during checkout. Shipping is on us.
2024 Plant list
Acis autumnalis ‘September Snow’
Acis autumnalis is a delightfully cute small bulb in the amaryllis family. It is related to the larger and more showy amaryllids such as crinum, hippeastrum, and lycoris.
Canna x generalis ‘Alan’s Striped Thai’
Canna ‘Alan’s Striped Thai’ is a never before sold selection that the late Alan Galloway picked up on a trip to Thailand. The 5′ tall stalks are adorned with foliage with an irregular white edge. The stalks are topped with small red flowers in summer.
Dasylirion gentryi
Dasylirion gentryi is a recently named sotol from southern Sonora, Mexico, where it grows between 3,500′ and 4,000′ elevation.
Gladiolus ‘Firedance’
Gladiolus ‘Firedance’ is a 1968 heirloom glad with 40″ tall stalks of rusty orange flowers.
Ipheion uniflorum ‘Greystone’
This selection of Ipheion uniflorum comes from the NC garden of the late plantsman Norman Beal, who selected it for its large, pure white flowers.
Iris lazica
Iris lazica is a close relative of the better known Iris unguicularis, with foliage that’s wider (3/4″ vs. 1/4″) and shorter, and emerges at an angle instead of upright.
Lycoris x straminea ‘Strawberry Lemonade’
Lycoris x straminea ‘Strawberry Lemonade’ is a 2016 Plant Delights introduction of a plant we originally obtained from plantsman Jim Waddick in 2000.
Mahonia gracilis
It is quite a rarity for us to be able to share Mahonia gracilis, from a Yucca Do collection in Northern Mexico. A mature specimen will reach 7′ tall x 7′ wide.
Mangave ‘Life on Mars’
A variegated sport of ‘Mission to Mars’ (a hybrid with Agave shawii, Agave x pseudoferox, and a couple of manfredas) selected by Hans Hansen of Walters Gardens.
Rohdea japonica ‘Striped Delights’
These are exceptional variegated seedling from our garden rohdeas. We only have a limited number to share.
Sabal rosei ‘Augusta Rose’
Sabal rosei ‘Augusta Rose’ is a seed grown strain shared by Augusta, GA plantsman and palm guru, Jo LeVert.
Sarracenia mixed seedlings
A selection of outstanding seedlings from our pitcher plant hybridization program.
Sempervivum ‘Hordubal’
Sempervivum ‘Hordubal’ is a Czech Republic selection forms a tight patch of 2″ wide rosettes, that reveal a rainbow of foliage color including red, purple, pink, and yellow.
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Fascination’
Veronicastrum virginicum ‘Fascination’ is a Dutch selection of the US native (Minnesota east to Maine and south to Alabama) perennial, from the garden of artist Ton ter Linden.
Zephyranthes flavissima
Zephyranthes flavissima is a South American rain lily that’s one of those can’t-miss plants for the blackest of thumbs. The semi-evergreen clump of rounded, needle-thin, glossy green foliage makes a small clump to 1′ wide.
Zephyranthes morrisclintii ‘Starfrost’
Zephyranthes morrislintii ‘Starfrost’ is our introduction of an outstanding clone, from the rescued collection of the late rain lily breeder, John Fellers.
Escallonia ‘Lades’ PPAF
Escallonia ‘Lades’ is the latest breeding effort to create more winter hardy, disease resistant escallonias. It’s still pretty new, but we’re promised a mature size of 4′ tall x 3′ wide. The branches are covered in spikes of fragrant pink flowers starting in June.
Eupatorium dubium ‘Little Pye’
Eupatorium dubium ‘Little Pye’ is a new, extremely compact selection of the North American native Joe Pye-weed, that reportedly tops out at 15″ tall x 15″ wide. As with all joe pye’s, moist to slightly moist soils are best.
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘McKay’ PP 28,757
Hydrangea macrophylla ‘McKay’ PP 28,757 comes from Wisconsin’s McKay Nursery, who selected this stunning, red-bracted lace cap hydrangea. The mature size should be 4′ tall x 4′ wide.
Ilex crenata ‘Glorie Dwarf’ PP 30,068
Ilex crenata ‘Glorie Dwarf’ is a new, compact, well-branched, tiny-leaf sport discovered on Ilex ‘Glory Gem’ at Holland’s Van Vliet New Plants. After five years, the original plant was only 2′ tall x 2′ wide, which indicates it is most likely to mature around 4′ tall x 4′ wide. The texture is certainly different from other Japanese hollies on the market.
Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis ‘Winter Gem’ PP 26,599
(aka: Sarcococca humilis ‘Pmoore03’) Sarcococca ‘Winter Gem’ is a new selection of Sarcococca hookeriana var. humilis developed via an intentional cross by Peter Moore of Hilliers Nursery in the UK. The result is a much more compact evergreen plant to 30″ tall x 2′ wide. The winter flowering begins with rosy red bud, first showing in early January, followed by the tiny fragrant white flowers, beginning in mid February.
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