Juniper Level Botanic Garden has been offering horticulture classes since the late 1980s as part of our mission as an educational, scientific, and research-based botanic garden. We aim to raise awareness of the horticultural and gardening misinformation offered by well-meaning garden speakers and writers, from plant adaptability to soils and fertilizers.

Check out our schedule for upcoming Open Nursery and Garden Days, classes, garden tours, Southeast Plant Symposium, holiday closing dates, and more.
Plant articles
Tony has written for many publications over the years and we are collecting his body of work in this archive. This is a great resource for taking a deeper dive on specific plant species and cultivars.

Video library
We have generated many videos over the years covering seasonal topics, plants spotlights, propagation techniques, plant care, etc. Many of these are recordings of our popular Gardening Unplugged mini lectures that we offer during the Open Nursery and Garden Days. These videos offer valuable insight to zone 7b gardening for beginner gardeners, people who recently moved to the area, and even experienced green thumb folk.
Read our blog
If you can’t visit the garden every day of the year, we’ll virtually bring the garden to you with our daily blog, where we feature plants, plant trivia, or other JLBG-related happenings of interest.