Juniper Level Botanic Garden is an aesthetic garden designed to appeal to the senses and a conservation garden filled with extremely rare treasures. In many cases, we have spent a lifetime or taken great risks to obtain a single specimen, so we implore you not to step off the paths while you wander.
Visitors are encouraged to take advantage of our Open Garden and Nursery Days for the best experience. During our Open House we have horticultural staff available to assist you with finding plants, answering your questions, and directing you around the garden. Please understand that during our regular hours the staff is busy taking care of the garden and nursery, and some parts of the garden may be closed due to maintenance work.
We understand that life happens and sometimes a friend just arrived in town, or your garden club only meets on Wednesdays, or you need to spend a couple of hours in beautiful serenity. Whatever the case, you are welcome to visit by appointment during weekdays. Please follow the instructions below to schedule your visit.
Visit by appointment
Our gates are open during regular business hours. We are closed on the following holidays: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and the day after, two days around Christmas.
Visitation Guidelines