Hello gardeners! In this video our Plant Records and Taxonomy Specialist Zac Hill talks about fragrant flowers, beautiful foliage and ornamental fruit in the garden. While many perennials start to go dormant in fall, for others it is their time to shine. We love the bitter alm …

Hello gardeners! In this much requested video we are diving into the intricacies of fern propagation by spore. Our Production Supervisor Aaron Selby discusses frond collection and storage, spore cleaning, media sterilization, spore sowing, gamete fertilization, frond developme …

Hello gardeners! Doug is back with another tour of the Juniper Level Botanic Garden. September is a great time to view blooming sages, toad lilies, goldenrods and asters, enjoy the scent of fragrant tea olive, and marvel at the airy halos of blooming grasses.
Many of the fea …

Hello gardeners! Best gardens not only look beautiful, but also support a large diversity of creatures by providing shelter, habitat, and food sources. By changing just a couple of things in your garden you can help support populations of salamanders, tree frogs, toads, and m …

Hello gardeners! In this video we are talking healthy soils – how to revive and restore soil and how to maintain it. Healthy, active, well-draining soil is the foundation for a successful garden, thus soil prep is the most important step in gardening. In this video JLBG/PDN Fo …

Hello gardeners! In this video we are talking about wasps. In our east coast zone 7b/8a garden the arrival of early fall is marked by emergence of hundreds of blue winged scoliid wasps that quickly get busy pollinating our sedums, tree verbenas, asters, etc. These common preda …

Hello gardeners! On this early September tour of the garden we are looking at the best fall blooming perennials at Juniper Level Botanic Garden. Many of these are available for sale through the Plant Delights Nursery and every purchase supports the garden.
Plants featured in …

Hello gardeners! In this video our lead Grower Kevin Stephens gives tips on how to keep your potted Agave healthy and how to fix common overgrowth issues. Some Agave are very fast growers and can become root bound within a year, while others produce a lot of offsets, and some …

Attention gardeners! If you have an area that seasonally floods or stays muddy most of the time, don’t drain it! Wet soils offer an amazing opportunity to grow fantastic native and exotic perennials that don’t thrive in an average to dry garden bed. In this video our Garden Cu …

Hello gardeners! In this video we showcase 25 great ornamental perennials that proved to be absolute winners during this year’s hot and dry summer. Our Production Supervisor Aaron Selby is always on the lookout for easy to grow and easy to maintain perennials, that he can en …

On this sweltering hot summer day, Juniper Level Botanical Garden Director Tony Avent is sharing his knowledge on growing Agave in the Southeast. These beautiful succulents have evolved into a myriad of shapes, colors and sizes, are extremely heat and drought tolerant, and eas …

Hello gardeners! In this video our Research and Outdoor Production Supervisor Bill Reynolds is giving a tour of the garden focusing on hardy tropical perennials: Curcuma, Hedychium, Canna, Amorphophallus, Musa, Crinum, Trachycarpus, Hymenocallis and Philodendron. All of the pl …

Hello gardeners! In this video our Garden Manager Logan Clark is giving a tour of the garden focusing on native perennials. Please like, share and subscribe to support the channel. Thank you!
Gardening Unplugged mini-lectures are free to attend during our Open Nursery and Ga …

Hello gardeners! In this video our Nursery Production Supervisor Aaron Selby demonstrates the technique of plant propagation through cuttings is a common and effective method of asexual reproduction in plants. It involves taking a part of a plant, usually a stem, leaf, or root …

Welcome gardeners! Today we are talking about positive impacts our gardens can have for biodiversity and also how to balance the presence of nature with our aesthetic goals. Bill offers ecological perspective on common pest control methods and offers alternative solutions to m …

Welcome gardeners! Today we are talking about creating beautiful planting arrangements in containers. If you ever visited us during the Open Nursery and Garden events, you have probably seen the beautiful planters spread around the nursery. Our Marketing Supervisor Chris Hardi …

Welcome gardeners! Today we are taking a look at groundcovers – low growing plants that gently spread in the garden filling in spaces between larger plants. We refer to them as “living mulch” because they eliminate the need for mulch in the area. Their dense foliage helps to k …

Welcome gardeners! Today we are showcasing the ever-popular carnivorous plants, which is a total misnomer, but “insectivorous” is just too much of a mouthful. So please do not feed your Pitcher plants and Venus fly traps meat, it will give them a serious case of rotten tummy. …

Welcome gardeners! Today we are talking about Baptisia, or False indigo, an amazing spring blooming plant that is native to North America. Juniper Level Botanic Garden Director Tony Avent talks about his passion for this spring garden showstopper, how he came to admire them, t …

Welcome gardeners! In this video our Taxonomist and Plant Nerd Extraordinaire Zac Hill showcases some of his favorite ferns and palms in the garden. These versatile perennials lend themselves to a variety of garden conditions from dry shade to sunny bogs. Did you know that som …

Welcome gardeners! In this video our Garden Manager Logan Clark focuses on spring flowers with interesting morphology. Learn how the peculiarly shaped flowers of our native pitcher plants (Sarracenia sp.) get pollinated, the mechanics of the Mountain laurel flowers, how Cyprip …

Hello gardeners! In this video our Nursery Production Supervisor Aaron Selby demonstrates the technique of dividing dormant perennials. Learning this technique will allow you to keep your plants healthy, such as perennial ornamental grasses and hostas. It will also help you ge …

Hello gardeners! In this video our Lead Grower Kevin Stephens answers questions about growing cyclamen in the Southeast US zone 7b/8a. Most people are familiar with Cyclamen persicum, the florist cyclamen that is sold in big stores around springtime and is generally not ground …

Hello gardeners! In this video our Nursery Production Supervisor Aaron Selby demonstrates the technique of propagating dormant plants through cuttings. Learning this technique will allow you to propagate plants from your garden as a safeguard against possible loss during trans …

Hello gardeners! In this video we will be following JLBG Garden Manager Logan Clark on a tour of the garden showcasing winter blooming perennials. Logan is very passionate about native plants and will point out several US native spring ephemerals that make excellent additions …

Hello gardeners! In this video Tony discusses his favorite trees in the garden, including conifers, broadleaf evergreens, and deciduous architectural trees. Even seasoned gardeners will find something interesting in this video. If you have visited the garden you will recognize …

Hello gardeners! Did you know that some birds like to eat flowers? In this video our taxonomist and bird watcher Zac Hill discusses trees, shrubs, and perennials that attract finches, waxwings, chickadees, hummingbirds, and other species of birds to your garden. Learn which t …

Hello gardeners! Does your garden support native pollinators? Fall is a crucial time for our native bees, bumblebees and solitary wasps as they need plants that provide a lot of nectar to help them get through the winter months such as Solidago (Goldenrod), Helianthus (Sunflow …

Hello gardeners! Get ready to learn some new and surprising facts about medicinal plants and their use. Do you like burning sage to purge your dwelling of evil energy? You might be using the wrong one. Did you know that a common gout medicine has also been used by spies? Why a …

Hello gardeners! In this video we discuss 50 best perennials for the zone 7b East Coast garden. Our Production Supervisor Aaron Selby has been working with PDN plants for over two decades, and has picked up a list of favorites. If you are new to the Virginia, North Carolina, S …

Hello and welcome! In this video JLBG founder Tony Avent discusses the importance of soil prep for a healthy, resilient garden. When Tony bought the land that would become JLBG, it was a sandy tobacco field with a 3.5pH. In three years that sandy loam was transformed into a hu …

Bring color and vibrancy to your fall garden with easy to grow native plants. Join our Garden Manager Logan Clark on a walk through the garden as he discusses a variety of native and near-native plants that are beautiful, easy to take care of, and attract many species on nativ …

We love ferns at JLBG and have collected hundreds of species over the years. Ferns are one of the most diverse and versatile plant groups in the garden. They provide backdrop for seasonal flowers, form textural groundcovers, add architectural statements and splashes of color i …

In this episode we are showcasing the greenhouse set up in our nursery. You will learn about the importance of correct geometry, the purpose of cover materials and different methods of attaching them, irrigation options, ventilation options, heater setup, etc. The talk is foll …

Have you heard of Mangave? These beautiful intergeneric hybrids of Agave and Manfreda were first named in 2005. Unlike Agaves, x Mangaves have softer foliage and monocarpic rosettes that produce basal offsets so the clump doesn’t die after flowering. The growth rate of x Manga …

In this informative video our Nursery Production Specialist Aaron Selby discusses the main propagation techniques that we use at Plant Delights Nursery. Learn about seed collection and scarification, soil sterilization techniques, fern spore sowing, different types of cuttings …

Get ready to elevate your gardening game with a selection of stunning and edible ornamental perennials perfect for zone 7b. Here at Juniper Level Botanical Garden we grow many perennials that are not only beautiful, but also tasty as a garden salad or a side dish. From the ele …

Explore the Juniper Level Botanic Garden in July. Our Senior Horticultural Garden Supervisor Doug Ruhren answers questions about Salvia pruning, Hibiscus growing tips, Hedychium edibility, and many more. Are your daylilies and cannas looking ragged in July? Doug has a great ti …

Does your garden support native pollinators? Do you have enough nectar rich plants to sustain them through the summer months? Some plants are favorited by the native bees and butterflies, while other attract solitary wasps and bumblebees. Learn about the benefits of attracting …

Agave is one of the oldest cultivated plants with records dating back over ten thousand years. It was so important in Mesoamerican cultures that they had a goddess of Agave Mayahuel, that symbolized fertility. Agave fibers were used to produce rope, thread, and textiles and th …

In this information packed lecture Juniper Level Botanical Garden Director Tony Avent talks about the triumphs and fails of introducing Agave to the Southeast, history of the species, best growing conditions, and breeding work that has allowed us to introduce several new hybri …

North Carolina has become a hot spot with roughly 1000 people moving to the state each day. If you are one of them, welcome, and lets talk gardening basics. JLBG Director Tony Avent breaks down the challenges and benefits of our climate, and gives actionable advice on how to s …

In this last section of Spring Blooming Plants, our Senior Horticultural Garden Supervisor Doug Ruhren takes the group through our full sun Souto garden. Doug discusses desert plant adaptations, edible flowers, sun loving aroids, rare palm species and heat tolerant native plan …

The spring of 2023 was unseasonably warm resulting in many more than usual plants in bloom at the time of the Spring Open House. There was so much to see that we had to split the video into 3 parts – Shade Garden, Sunken Pond Garden and Souto Sun Garden. In this section, our S …

The spring of 2023 was unseasonably warm resulting in many more than usual plants in bloom at the time of the Spring Open House. There was so much to see that we had to split the video into 3 parts – Shade Garden, Sunken Pond Garden and Souto Sun Garden. In this first section, …

Southeast US is home to eight species of pitcher plants and is the only place where Venus fly traps grow in the wild. How do these interesting plants lure in insects? And why do they need to do that? What makes the Venus fly trap snap shut? Join our Director of Horticulture an …

Not all orchids are delicate tropical creatures destined to reside upon misted moss towers and cork bark. Some orchids are perfectly at home in the cold forests of Canada, and others are amazingly drought tolerant and easy to grow here in the South. Learn about the hardy terre …

Have you ever wondered which of the plants we know today were around when the dinosaurs roamed the earth? Where did flowering plants come from? The most ancient plants today are not ferns or palms, but a group of basal angiosperms called ANITA. Join our Director of Horticultur …

Did you know hostas in the wild are all green? Have you heard about fragrant hostas? Giant hostas? Dwarf hostas? Sun tolerant hostas? Join Tony Avent on an beginner friendly introduction to Hosta history, growing tips, and latest breeding trends.
Thumbnail: Hosta ‘Branching …

Baptisias are wonderful members of the legume family with about 20 species all of which are native to North America. They thrive in both dry and wet soils with at least 4-6 hours of full sun. At JLBG we have 180 different clones and 37 of them have been introduced to horticul …

See what’s in bloom at Juniper Level Botanical Garden with commentary and stories by our Director of Horticulture and Gardens Dr. Patrick McMillan.
Thumbnail: Spigelia marilandica ‘Little Redhead’
Pl …

Trilliums are one of our favorite spring blooming perennials. Some Trilliums emerge from the ground as early as December, thus adding much needed excitement to a winter garden. Native to the Southeast, Trillium plants are very easy to grow in Zone 6a-9b woodland garden. Learn …

Do your plants look burned, brown, or melted after a cold spell? Don’t reach for the pruners yet! Our senior horticultural garden supervisor Doug Ruhren and garden manager Logan Clark explain how to determine the extent of the damage and what you should do next.
Thumbnail: A …

You can have something blooming in your garden every day of the year, just like we do here at Juniper Level Botanical Garden. In 2023 we had an uncharacteristically warm February, so many more plants were in bloom for the Winter Open House. Join our Director of Horticulture an …

Large or small, perennial or woody, deciduous or evergreen – any plant can be moved, if you are a good enough horticulturalist. In this video our Director of Horticulture and Gardens Dr. Patrick McMillan shares his hard learned tips on moving plants. If you have a question abo …

Broad Leaf Evergreen plants add structure and life to your winter garden. Join JLBG Director Tony Avent on walk through the garden as he showcases some of his favorite evergreen shrubs and trees.
Thumbnail: Fatsia japonica ‘Variegata’
For a complete transcript of this …

On this very rainy and cold day we had to start our free lecture in the garage. Only a few brave souls stayed for the garden walk portion, though our senior horticultural supervisor Doug Ruhren was completely unfazed by the steady drizzle. Video quality apologies aside, this i …

Don’t settle for a sea of mulch and leaves as your winter garden! At Juniper Level Botanical Garden in Raleigh, NC, we have trialed many plants to find the best and hardiest evergreen perennials for your south east garden. Join JLBG Director Tony Avent as he discusses some of …

These staples of the winter garden are among the most coveted of garden plants by those who know them, yet they are still relatively unknown outside of plant enthusiast circles. Because they don’t flower quickly from seed and often finish flowering before most folks visit gard …

What is the perfect garden soil? How do you achieve the right amount of moisture and drainage to grow the most plants? Join our Research and Grounds Supervisor Jeremy Schmidt to learn about soil pH, amendments, soil mix ratios, and our strategy for creating the perfect garden …

This video is part of Gardening Unplugged, a free garden chat series held each day during our Open Nursery & Garden Days. Tony Avent leads a small group through the gardens discussing hardy ginger, asarum, at our 2019 Winter Open house.
Complete transcript and additional pla …

Tony shows off some of his favorite tree species, discusses pruning myths and malpractices, and tips to save trees that survive development.
Editor’s note: We apologize for some of the footage being shaky; our cameraman was struggling to keep up with the crowd.
Plant Delig …

Fall is an exciting time at Juniper Level Botanical Garden. In addition to ornamental grasses and bulbs, many of our favorite native plants that belong to the Asteraceae family start blooming in September/October. Dr. Patrick McMillan is an expert in southeast native plants an …

Andropogon, Pennisetum, Eragrostis, Miscanthus, Sorghastrum, Muhlenbergia, Carex, Schizacharium… there are so many varieties of ornamental grasses to choose from. Learn about the origins, myths, habits, and benefits of these species from our Director Tony Avent.
Complete t …

We get a lot of questions about cutting back plants in fall. In today’s video we will address some of the common dos and don’ts of cutting back hosta, aspidistra, ferns, etc. Save your leaves! They make excellent leaf mulch and provide winter shelter for the native insects.

Learn how to attract birds to your backyard garden! Our Research Supervisor Bill Reynolds discusses nesting necessities, food sources for the young and adult songbirds, nectar feeders’ best practices, and most importantly, the eco-conscious mindset that is required to create a …

JLBG taxonomist Zac Hill discusses the many fall-blooming geophyte varieties we grow and propagate here at Juniper Level Botanical Garden. Get behind the scenes look at our trial beds area filled with Surprise lilies, Aztec lilies, Rain lilies, and more!
Complete transcript …

Recorded on March 5th, 2022. Join Tony Avent on a walk through the garden as he discusses the different species of conifers at the Juniper Level Botanical Garden. Learn the things garden stores don’t tell you and how to pick the right plant for the right space.
Plant Delight …

Do you have standing water, swampy spots, or washout areas in your garden? Save money and fix it yourself! In this video our Grounds and Research Supervisor Jeremy Schmidt teaches the basics of managing water flow and preventing erosion in your garden.
Complete transcript an …

Recorded on July 24th, 2022 during our Open Nursery and Garden Days. In this episode of Gardening Unplugged, our Research Supervisor Bill Reynolds tries to identify as many sounds as he can while walking the garden. His knowledge of insect noises is so good he can tell when se …

Recorded on July 23rd, 2022. In this episode of Gardening Unplugged, our Horticultural Manager Dr. Patrick McMillan lets you smell everything but the roses. Featured scents: Papa Johns pizza crust, Lysol, Ginseng, and a whiff of lavender.
Complete transcript, additional pics …

Recorded on July 23rd, 2022. In this episode of Gardening Unplugged, our Research Supervisor Bill Reynolds shares his best tips on selecting and establishing tropical plants.
Complete transcript and additional plant pics can be found at – https://www.plantdelights.com/blogs/ …

Recorded on July 22nd, 2022. In this episode of Gardening Unplugged, our Horticultural Manager Dr. Patrick McMillan discusses the importance of the ex situ (off-site) conservation.
Complete transcript and additional pics can be found at – https://www.plantdelights.com/blogs/ …

Recorded on July 22nd, 2022. A sample of the wonderful lecture on Pollinators presented by our Nursery Manager, Meghan Fidler.
Gardening Unplugged are free classes presented by JLBG/PDN staff during the Garden and Nursery Open House days. These are 15 – 30 minute discussions …

Recorded on July 16th, 2022. JLBG Taxonomist Zac Hill tells the origins of the many agave varieties we grow in the garden.
Gardening Unplugged are free classes presented by JLBG/PDN staff during the Garden and Nursery Open House days. These are 15 – 30 minute discussions wal …

Recorded on July 15th, 2022. You may recognize JLBG Volunteer Vince Schneider from our recent video about Agave pollination. Today Vince will show you other spiny gems in our collection.
Complete transcript and additional pics can be found at – https://www.plantdelights.com/ …

Recorded on July 15th, 2022. JLBG Director Tony Avent is a master of the woodland garden. Some of his favorite shade plants may surprise you!
Gardening Unplugged are free classes presented by JLBG/PDN staff during the Garden and Nursery Open House days. These are 15-30 minut …

Recorded on May 8th, 2022. Art is subjective and art is everywhere. Take a walk with our Marketing Coordinator Chris Hardison for a brief discussion of art in the garden.
Plant Delights Nursery is an award winning nursery in Raleigh, NC near Garner. We specialize in rare, a …

Recorded on May 7th, 2022. JLBG Director Tony Avent speaks hosta fluently. Join him for a discussion of the main breeding lines and new varieties.
Hostas that Tony mentions in this video:
Hosta sieboldiana
Hosta venusta
Hosta ‘Sum and Substance’ – https://www.plantdelights.c …

Recorded on May 7th, 2022. Rocks gardens give a cozy home for small and medium plants and add visual interest to a flat landscape. JLBG Research and Grounds Supervisor Jeremy Schmidt gives you the essential tips on how to get a rock wall started, the dos and don’ts of plantin …

Recorded on May 6th, 2022. Who knew that mulch could be controversial, and even deadly! Our garden curator Amanda shares her best practices and horror stories in this illuminating talk.
Plant Delights Nursery is an award winning nursery in Raleigh, NC near Garner. We special …

Recorded on May 6th, 2022. Their amazing drought tolerance, resilience, and beautiful architectural form made Tony fall in love with Baptisias in 1994. These primarily scrub and prairie US natives delight our visitors with spikes of blue, white, or yellow blooms every spring. …

Recorded on May 1st, 2022. Learn everything you need to set up an efficient irrigation system in your garden. We have tested many things over the years so you don’t have to.
Plant Delights Nursery is an award-winning nursery in Raleigh, NC near Garner. We specialize in rare, …

Recorded on April 30th, 2022. Few plant genera offer the amazing diversity and ornamental potential found in the genus Salvia. Our garden curator Amanda Wilkins showcases several varieties in bloom and shares knowledge about growth habits, pruning, and origins.
Plant Delights …

Recorded on April 30th, 2022. Learn how to make your own potting mix, which fertilizer to use, where to make drainage holes, and much more from our expert gardeners Chris Hardison and Meghan Fidler.
Plant Delights Nursery is an award-winning nursery in Raleigh, NC near Garne …

JLBG Research Supervisors Jeremy Schmidt and Bill Reynolds explain how the plant breeding program works and what care goes into keeping it going.
Plant Delights Nursery is an award-winning nursery in Raleigh, NC near Garner. We specialize in rare, and unusual perennials and w …

Recorded on April 29th, 2022. Sarracenias, commonly known as Pitcher Plants are carnivorous, hardy, full sun loving plants that are easy to grow when you know how. Juniper Level Botanical Garden Director Tony Avent has collected and propagated many species over the years, and …

Recorded on March 4th, 2022. Shelter, medicine, food source – plants have many roles other than pleasing the eye. Learn more from our garden curator Amanda Wilkins.
Plant Delights Nursery is an award-winning nursery in Raleigh, NC near Garner. We specialize in rare, and unusu …

Recorded on Feb 25th, 2022. There are few perennials that can rival the seasonal interest of hellebores … often called Christmas or Lenten Roses. These staples of the winter garden are among the most coveted of garden plants by those who know them, yet they are still relativ …

Recorded on Feb 26th, 2022. Research Supervisor Bill Reynolds covers ground in the garden while talking about the origins of five different species of hardy palms. Palms make excellent winter statements in the garden and attract many pollinators in the summer. Learn how to pla …

Recorded on Feb 26th, 2022. In North Carolina piedmont zone 7b we are blessed with mild winters, which means there is almost always something blooming in the garden. And no, it’s not all Hellebores. Our garden curator Amanda Wilkins talks about her favorites and must haves for …

Recorded on March 6th, 2022. PDN Nursery Manager Dr. Meghan Fidler talks about plants in the context of culture and history.
Plant Delights Nursery is an award-winning nursery in Raleigh, NC near Garner. We specialize in rare, and unusual perennials and we strive to carry a …

Recorded on February 27th, 2022. Do you ever wonder why some gardens feel comfortable and relaxing, while others feel awkward? Join JLBG Director Tony Avent on a walk through the grounds as he discusses the fundamental principles of garden structure. Learn how to plan your gar …

Recorded on March 5th, 2022. We killed many a cyclamen trying to grow them in our hot and humid NC climate, but no more! Learn how to make your cyclamen thrive in the piedmont zone 7b from the JLBG Garden Curator Amanda Wilkins.
Plant Delights Nursery is an award-winning nur …

Recorded on March 4th 2022. Join Jeremy and Zac on a walk through the Juniper Level Botanical Garden as they discuss our Trillium collection. Southern Trilliums are a native perennial plant that brings mystery and beauty to a woodland garden. Be prepared for an avalanche of pl …

At Juniper Level Botanic Garden we do not use salt based fertilizers in the gardens. We use only organic elements to amend our garden beds. A healthy soil and microbes make for healthy plants. Join Jeremy Schmidt, Grounds and Research Supervisor, as he discusses the different …

Join Juniper Level Botanic Garden curator, Amanda Wilkins, on a virtual tour of the gardens as she discusses fall blooming bulbs. September 17, 2021 during our Fall Open Nursery & Garden Days!
Complete transcript can additional pics of featured plants can be found at – https: …

Join Tony Avent on a walking tour of Juniper Level Botanic Garden as he discusses growing hardy tropical looking plants in our Zone 7b garden.
Visit us by appointment: https://www.plantdelights.com/pages/request-a-visit
Visit during one of our 8 open house weekends: https:// …

This video is part of our Gardening Unplugged garden chat series held each day during our Open Nursery & Garden Days. Join Tony on this virtual tour of the garden recorded in February 2020 as he discusses the history of hellebores, their genetics, and how we have arrived at th …

As part of Gardening Unplugged, our free garden chat series, Mike Papay leads you on a tour through Juniper Level Botanic Garden discussing hardy palms and native palms of North and South Carolina. Learn more about their growth habits, habitats, and companion plants, as well a …

Plant Delights assistant nursery manager, Dennis Carey, leads you on a stroll through the garden discussing historical folklore around certain garden plants. This video is part our Gardening Unplugged Garden Chat series held in conjunction with our Open Nursery & Garden Days.

Join our nursery manager, Meghan Fidler, on this amazing insight into the world of bees. Native vs. non-native: this is a much debated topic about the plants we grow in our garden, but did you know it is as much a debate in the world of bees? Our native bees are great pollinat …

We host 5 Gardening Unplugged events during each of our Nursery and Garden Open Houses.
Visit by appointment: https://www.plantdelights.com/pages/request-a-visit
Visit during one of our 8 open house weekends: https://www.plantdelights.com/pages/open-nursery-and-garden-dates

In the first entry in our Gardening Unplugged chat series, Tony Avent defines just what makes an “evergreen perennial” and talks about their importance in the garden. Tony shares some of his favorite evergreen plants and tips on their culture and habit.
Complete transcript an …

Join Tony Avent in our Gardening Unplugged Series recorded February 2018 during our Winter Open Nursery and Garden Days. Gardening Unplugged is our series of free classes presented by JLBG/PDN staff during the Garden and Nursery Open House days. These are 15 – 30 minute discus …

Tony Avent leads you on a tour through the gardens discussing Hostas. This is part of our free 15 minutes garden chat series, Gardening Unplugged, held each day during our Open Nursery & Garden Weekends.
Complete transcript and additional pics of hostas featured in this video …

Join Tony Avent as he leads guests on a tour through the gardens discussing Solomon’s seals. This is part of our free garden chat series, Gardening Unplugged, held each day during our Open Nursery & Garden Weekends. This chat was recorded May, 2018.
Complete transcript and ad …

In this episode of Gardening Unplugged, Tony shows guests some of the wonderfully diverse pitcher plants at Plant Delights and Juniper Level Botanic Garden and reveals just how easy it is to grow sarracenias. This talk was recorded during our spring Open Nursery and Garden da …

Join Tony Avent on this virtual garden tour as he discusses trilliums for the South. This is part of our Gardening Unplugged garden chat series recorded on May, 2018 as part of our Open Nursery & Garden Days.
Complete transcript and additional pics of trilliums featured in th …

Tony takes a group attending the Spring 2018 Plant Delights Nursery & Juniper Level Botanic Garden Open Nursery and Garden Days’ Gardening Unplugged Series through the garden focusing on the variety of Baptisias and their breeding. Discussion highlights several examples; Bapt …

Jeremy Schmidt, grounds and research supervisor at Juniper Level Botanic Garden, discusses berm construction using rocks. Rocks add aesthetic interest, help to retain the soil of the berm, and can be used as stepping stones in the bed.
Learn more about Plant Delights Nursery …

Jeremy Schmidt, grounds and research supervisor at Juniper Level Botanic Garden, discusses organic soil amendments, calcium, magnesium and lime used in the gardens. Learn about the importance of pH, drainage, composted organic matter and soil testing.
Visit during one of our …