Join fellow plantaholics, plant geeks, nurserymen, gardeners, and horticulturists to rethink and reinvigorate modern landscapes. We’re talking plants outside our backdoors to plants around the world, low input but high impact performers, super-functional and beautiful, native to rare and unusual. Do not miss this two-day deep dive into what’s new and exciting in the plant world.
Started as a joint venture between Juniper Level Botanic Garden and the JC Raulston Arboretum in 2019, the Southeastern Plant Symposium strives to be the must attend event for plant lovers. The symposium rotates between a focus on woody plants one year and herbaceous perennials the next.
The 2024 Southeastern Plant Symposium will be two days of incredible, intense programs for plant lovers with a focus on herbaceous perennials.
For registrants attending the symposium, Juniper Level Botanic Garden and Plant Delights Nursery will be open for visiting and shopping on Thursday, June 6 from 8:00am to 5:00pm and Sunday, June 9 from 8:00am to Noon. ET