More cool baptisias

If you’ve followed us for a while, you know our passion for the North American native baptisia. Our breeding program is over two decades old now, and we are thrilled to introduce our latest selections.

Baptisia ‘Blue Candleabra’ is a 2008 seedling that produces an insane number of spikes with a great flower density.

Baptisia ‘Cinnamon Candles‘ is a 2007 seedling, that we love for the bicolor flowers and incredible vigor.

Baptisia ‘First Blush’ closeup

Baptisia ‘First Blush’ is a 2004 seedling that emerges with lovely charcoal stems and produces a large number of spike of soft pink flowers. Baptisias thrive in both desert conditions and grown as a marginal aquatic…that’s amazing adaptibility!

4 thoughts on “More cool baptisias”

  1. Gorgeous baptisias! Does ‘First Blush’ initially flower as white, then turning pink?

    One of my long-time favorites in my own garden is a B. alba because, in addition to all the customary qualities common to all Baptisias, the blooms last a long time and are stunning at twilight.

  2. Your baptisia selections are amazing. Given all the somewhat abnormal, or at least the colder end of normal, weather we’ve been having, it’s great to have these hardy plants to choose from. On a similar note, I hope you’ll post or write about how various groups of hardy tropicals fared at some point. It’ll be great to see just how hardy, given the extent of the duration of freezing, but not record cold, temperatures. I’ll still grow them if they die for me, it’s part of natural rhythms I suppose.

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