Amorphophallus titanum…the countdown to flowering has begun

This morning, the flower bud on our Amorphophallus titanum, Peter Grande measured 67″…that’s one big Peter! Only 7 more inches to make it into the top 100 tallest Titanum inflorescences in history. We’re still expecting flowering to start this Friday for our Summer Open Nursery and Garden Days, but with the caveat that nature really doesn’t care about our plans, so the viewing dates could change.

We’ve added a special Titan page to our website that includes a live feed Peter video cam, fascinating new Titanum trivia, and an amazing sortable spreadsheet of every known Amorphophallus titanum to flower in cultivation. Despite spending three years compiling the table, we sure there are a few others that we missed, so please let us hear from you with any additions and corrections. We hope you’ll make plans to come see Peter in his full glory as soon as he’s ready. 

4 thoughts on “Amorphophallus titanum…the countdown to flowering has begun”

  1. Holding my nose in anticipation in Florida!
    Grats on a fine job nurturing one of Natures’ incredible wonders. Not sure if it’s a Boy or a Girl but I’m sending a smelly cigar who’s stalest smoke probably cannot begin to compete!
    Well Done PDN!

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