Art from Plain Air

Gardens mean different things to different people, so we were pleased to recently host a series of Plein Air painting classes at JLBG. Here are the participants from Alia Fine Arts Studio with visiting artist, Christina Weaver, studying their finished works after the three day painting/studying session.

Participants from Alia Fine Arts Studio with visiting artist, Christina Weaver
Participants from Alia Fine Arts Studio with visiting artist, Christina Weaver

2 thoughts on “Art from Plain Air”

  1. Great photo. Great idea to have such a project. Thank you for choosing to do it.

    I do wish the resulting paintings had each been shown up close. Who knows, they might have resulted in some sales for the artists/JCRA.

    I have not been cleared to go out for anything yet, after being home bound for way too long. I don’t see here, at 1st glance, that I’ve renewed my long-time JCRA membership. Could you perhaps check that for me?
    Many thanks. –Ginny Lawler (Nov. 12, 2022)

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