Bloggin’ with a Kit Kat

Happy Holidays to all of our plant friends out there who follow the JLBG blog. I’m sitting here with my blogging companion, Kit Kat, writing some holiday season posts. I’m pretty sure Kit Kat is actually dreaming about Santa filling her food bowl, then giving her a tummy rub. We expect most of you are probably doing more normal things like visiting family, shopping, or watching re-runs of A Christmas Story, Charlie Brown’s Christmas, or It’s a Wonderful Life. Being a contrarian, I always preferred the holiday film, The Ref, when I could manage to sit still that long. We’re going to wrap up some blogging, then hopefully head out in the garden. Our goal is to get some new plants in the garden each week when the ground isn’t frozen.

This week, we’ve passed our 2,300th blog post, which equates to a blog every day for 6.3 years. I’ll admit that’s quite a few more than I’d realized we’ve written. Thanks to our other staff members who chime in as well through the years, as their schedules permit. When we switched the blog several years ago from focusing on Plant Delights to focusing more on our botanical garden, JLBG, we weren’t sure how many folks would still be interested in reading our posts. While we don’t have nearly the number of subscribers as we do with the nursery division, this gives us more freedom to go further afield horticulturally, without worrying whether we actually offer the plant for sale. If you enjoy the blog, we hope you’ll share our posts with your like minded friends, and as we move into 2025, we hope you’ll visit in person during one of our Open Nursery and Garden days or during the upcoming Southeastern Plant Symposium (June 12,13, 2025). We’d like once again say thank you to everyone who supports JLBG through your plant purchases, garden memberships, and contributions to the NC State Endowment to preserve Juniper Level Botanic Garden! Be well, and enjoy the holidays.

Kit Kat helping with blog posts

10 thoughts on “Bloggin’ with a Kit Kat”

  1. Keep up the great work! Enjoy and learn from your posts. Whenever I have a question there is always a prompt answer. Thank you and Merry Christmas!

  2. Merry Christmas Kit Kat and everyone at JLBG!! I have enjoyed (and saved) all of your blog posts – just in case I need to reference them in the future. Thank you for your wealth of knowledge!!!

    Kris from Must Have Perennials®!

  3. What a beautiful kitty! Really look forward to your blogs. Hope everyone is well and warm and enjoying the season! God bless.

  4. I have to tell you that I have been amazed at not just the fact that you able to blog every day but that the quality is wonderfully high. Every day is a learning experience. It certainly means that the next time I visit your garden it will be with my eyes wide open for new discoveries.

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