In full flower now at JLBG is Mahonia x lindsayae ‘Cantab’, a hybrid of Mahonia japonica and the virtually unknown Mahonia siamensis. The intensely sweet fragrance is truly intoxicating…the strongest in the genus Mahonia. Sadly, you’ll rarely find this available for sale, since it’s somewhat gangly form doesn’t curry favor with most nursery growers. Winter hardiness is Zone 7b and warmer.
botanic garden, broad leaf evergreens, evergreen, evergreen foliage, evergreen shrub, evergreens for shade, Fragrant Flowers, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, mahonia, part sun garden, Plant Delights Nursery, Tony Avent, winter blooming plants, winter flowering plants, winter flowers, winter garden, winter gardening, yellow flowers, zone 7b
Do you ever plan on having this form for sale? I’ve been trying to buy it for years but the one nursery that would ship keeps being out of stock.
I have 2 Winter Sun hybrid Mahonia but so far it blooms too early for me in north FL, before we get our freeze (and the whole reason I got it was to have a greater variety of freeze-proof hummingbird plants for my wintering vagrants lol)
I’m not sure I see us propagating mahonias since it really doesn’t fit with our normal work with perennials. You might try Cistus Nursery in Oregon…they have a large mahonia collection.