Cow Pies….aka Meadow Muffin

I will admit I originally purchased this from We-Du Nursery co-founder, Dick Weaver for the name, after he shared the story of tromping through the woods near his home in Polly Spout, NC, and spotted what appeared to be a green cow pie.  It turned out to be an exceptional form of the native woodland groundcover, Erigeron pulchellus.  Figuring a plant named ‘Cow Pie’ wouldn’t sell well to city folks, Dick opted for the name Erigeron ‘Meadow Muffin’.  We’ve grown this for nearly 30 years, and as a shade groundcover, it’s hard to beat.  The semi-evergreen (temperature dependent) rosettes knit closely together, forming a dense mat.  In mid-spring, the clump are topped with an incredible show of light pink daisies.  We hope you love this as much as we did, and help us keep the story alive. In case you know Dick during his NC nursery days (after retiring as the taxonomist at the Arnold Arboretum) he recently moved from his retirement home in Florida to Pennsylvannia after the passing of his long time partner, Rene Duval. 


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