Crinum lilies in the garden

Crinum x baconii Maurine Spinks5

Another of the milk and wine striped crinum lilies is Crinum x digweedii ‘Stars and Stripes’…here’s a recent photo from the garden.  It just oozes with fragrance!

Crinum x digweedii Stars and Stripes5

This has been an amazing summer for crinum lilies at Juniper Level.  These mostly African species and their hybrids are wonderfully fragrant, hard-to-kill bulbs for the sunny garden.  Above is Crinum x baconii ‘Maureen Spinks’…one of the showiest summer-flowering hybrids.

Crinum Rose Parade5

If rosy pink is your thing, Crinum ‘Rose Parade’ is looking quite nice in the garden.  Crinum winter hardiness ranges from Zone 6 to Zone 8, depending on the species used in the cross.  You’ll find the hardiness zones for each in our on-line catalog, where we offer 40 varieties…probably one of the largest selections you’ll find.  Enjoy, and have a great weekend in the garden!

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