We have a rather large collections of crinum lilies at JLBG and occasionally take time to make a few crosses. One of our recent selections is one we’ve named Crinum ‘Delerium’. Flowering again this week, this is a cross of Crinum variabile and Crinum bulbispermum, meaning it should be winter hardy in Zone 6. We re just dividing our original clump for the first time, so it will take a few years to get enough to share, but the process has begun.

Wow! I look forward to purchasing ‘Delerium’ for my Florida garden. Hope it’s heat tolerant to zone 10a or at least 9B.
It should be fine in your heat.
Flowering again? Repeat bloomer for a season, or flowering again since last season?
We’re still recording flowering data, but it appears to be a very good reflowering selection