Evergreen Fern Mat

We just snapped this photo of one of our more amazing fern introductions, Microsorum buergerianum ‘Datun’. This six year-old clump is from our 2008 spore collection of this fabulous mat forming, epiphytic fern from north of Taipei, Taiwan. Although the foliage burnt back at 11 degrees F, it re-flushed quickly the following spring. Hardiness Zone 8a-10b, possibly colder. We offered this for a few years through Plant Delights Nursery, but due to poor sales it was removed from production.

Microsorum buergerianum ‘Datun’

7 thoughts on “Evergreen Fern Mat”

    1. The nature of epiphytic plants, like this fern, are that they can’t be submerged, which would occur in a rain garden, so this wouldn’t be a good choice for that application.

  1. Do you guys test any of these amazing USDA 8 ferns in a typical indoor settings as possible houseplants? The interior plant community is mad for new things to try and are willing to pay. Lots of people are making or buying (from Ikea) high humidity cabinets for their Alocasia and I wonder if some ferns would do well there too. Larger terraria are popular too.

    1. Great question. We don’t, but am certain that all of the genus Pyrrosia would past the indoor plant test, and some of the more tender adiantum would be great indoors.

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