Florida trilliums

When people think of trilliums, they usually think of the cold north, but states like Florida are also home to four species of trilliums which all thrive throughout the southeastern states. Here are two of the earliest species to flower in our garden.

The first is Trillium maculatum ‘Kanapaha Giant’ from Alachua County. This is consistently the earliest trillium to emerge and flower for us. This is followed close behind by Trillium underwoodii. Both of these are usually in flower by early February.

Trillium maulataum ‘Kanapaha Giant’
Trillium underwoodii ‘Dazzler’

2 thoughts on “Florida trilliums”

    1. It depends on where they have been kept and the expected temperatures. If they have been outdoors, or in a cold frame, they should be fine to 10-15F. Below that, you would expect some foliar damage, but plants should be fine down to 0-5 F. If they have been indoors, then need protection below 20F.

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