We’ve been enjoying the late-flowering hostas over the last few weeks, with many just beginning. One of our favorites is Hosta ‘Sugar and Spice’…a stunning sport of Hosta ‘Invincible’ with fragrant flowers and variegated foliage. We put this as one of the best performing hostas we’ve ever grown..great foliage, great flowers, and great vigor in the garden.
But what about that plant behind it with the interesting white tinge to the leaves. Fatsia?
Yes, Fatsia japonica ‘Variegata’
Tony, you should re-shoot the catalogue photo of this Hosta. It’s quite different from this photo, at least on my monitor. The variegation in the catalogue photo is creamy, and here it looks clear, bright white.
Lovely Fatsia, BTW.
The variegation on almost all hostas changes color during the course of the growing season. In this case, the leaf edges are yellow in the early season before changing to creamy yellow, then to creamy white.