In 2011, we introduced Asarum pulchellum ‘The Fuzz’, which is probably the best evergreen ground cover wild ginger we grow. Sadly, only a few people purchased it. Is is the excess facial hair that turns folks off? We’ve love to offer this again, but only if enough folks will purchase it. Below is a photo of it in the garden this week. Hardiness is Zone 7b-9b, at least. We’d be curious to hear from folks who have tried it in a colder zone.
How quickly does it grow? It looks like a good fit for my dry-ish shade garden in zone 7b.
It’s neither fast or slow. To quote Goldilocks and the Three Bears…it’s growth rate is just right.
I’d be happy to give it a whirl in zone 4/5, but that’s quite a departure from your zone 7 experiences. Is it available?
Not currently
I would buy if price is right! Ha..
What amount of sun does it require?
Light shade…no sun
Is is evergreen for you? I’m in Chapel Hill and would be very interested in this plant. Looks like it makes a nice dense clump. Does it stay as a clump or spread?
It is evergreeen. It makes a dense patch that enlarges slowly.