New – Agave ‘Durango Fandango

This spring, we introduced a new seed strain of century plant, named Agave ‘Durango Fandango’.  These arose from a cross made by one of our volunteer agave curators, Mike Papay.  Agave flexispina pollen was applied to a hardy selection of Agave schidigera. As with all agave crosses, it takes a while to full evaluate the offspring, but we wanted to share photos of our plants that went into the ground in March 2017 from 1 quart pots.  Since both parents mature around 2-3′ in width, we expect the same from the offspring, but one of the nice surprises is the stunning red border that becomes more prevalent as it grows. Since both parents are winter hardy in Zone 7b, we expect the same for Agave ‘Durango Fandango’.  If you want to try this or any of our agave hybrids, remember that the amount of plants available is limited by the seed set from the cross, and there will be no more once those are gone…until one of the offspring flowers, which could take many years.

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