New for 2018

Where has the year gone? We don’t know about you, but our last three months has been spent writing and assembling the 2018 Plant Delights Nursery catalog. After weeks of proofing, it’s finally been printed and will go in the mail first of the year. The on-line version should go live this weekend.  As always, there are so many cool new plants that we hope will excite you. The print catalog contains about 535 plants, and another 570 are only listed on-line, so we’ll begin the year with just over 1100 plants, with more to follow in the next few months. 

We’ve included a couple of our favorite non-opuntia cactus this year, which we grew from seed.

Notocactus apricus has been absolutely splendid for us in the garden for almost two decades and has never shown any damage, despite winter lows in the single digits F. Our offerings are 2 year old seed raised plants from our garden clump.

Trichocereus ‘Iridescent Watermelon’ is only four years old in the garden, but it’s a 4 year old prodigy. Created by our volunteer agave specialist, Mike Papay, we are pleased to share our first seed crop of two year old plants. While each offspring won’t be identical, each should be spectacular. 

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