Plant Delights Open Nursery and Garden ready

2015 9241 path to grotto looking south in snow

It’s almost time for our first open nursery and garden days for 2015, starting tomorrow, Friday.  To create some interesting photographic moments, we’ve spread this white powder all over the garden.

Dave and Thomas building fence in snow

Despite what you may have seen on television, PDN has only about 1/2″ on the ground, so the staff is here and working to make sure we’re ready for your visit. The roads near the nursery only have some slush remaining, which should be gone by days’ end.

PDN’ers Dave (front) and Thomas (back) are wrapping up construction of our new fence today.  Dave recently moved here from Michigan, so we blame him for bringing the white stuff with him.

Agave Grey Gator in snow landscape shot

Here are a few garden shots if you can’t get here before the white stuff goes away…Agave ‘Grey Gator’ and the gold leaf Illicium ‘Florida Sunshine’ in the background.

2015 9249 alpine berm in snow

Our Southwestern alpine garden is blanketed in white…great photo ops await!

Celtis sinensis Green Cascasde in snow

I love the form of Celtis ‘Green Cascade’ (weeping Chinese Hackberry) accented beautifully by the snow.

Trachycarpus fortunei in snow by Mystic falls

The windmill palms on the patio at JLBG think they are back in their native Himalayas.

Cephalotaxus harringtonia McCorkle in snow

Artistic shots abound like this cephalotaxus (false yew).

Nasella tenuissima in snow

and this lovely image of Nasella tenuissima (ponytail grass) in our four seasons garden.

Hellebore open house greenhouses3

Best of all, we’ve got greenhouses filled with flowering hellebores!  We look forward to seeing you during the next two weekends!






6 thoughts on “Plant Delights Open Nursery and Garden ready”

  1. Can’t wait, can’t wait. I can attend for the first time ever, and after being snowed and iced in almost continually in Asheville over the last week(s) am ready for a party in the greenhouse!

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