horticulture books

Southeastern Plant Symposium

Southeastern Plant Symposium, Raleigh NC – Friday June 7, Saturday June 8

Only six weeks remain before the amazing Southeastern Plant Symposium and Rare Plant Auction kicks off in Raleigh. This annual symposium for plant nerds takes place on June 7 and 8 at the North Raleigh Hilton in Raleigh, NC. The symposium, a collaboration between the JC Raulston Arboretum and Juniper Level Botanic Garden, brings together

Southeastern Plant Symposium, Raleigh NC – Friday June 7, Saturday June 8 Read More »

A Roach Inspired Visit to NYC

I’m just back from a quick 24-hour trip to NYC for a special tribute to a dear friend, Margaret Roach. Wave Hill Gardens in the Bronx, was hosting a garden fundraising dinner to salute this legendary garden communicator. Accompanying me was NCSU CALS College Advancement Director of Development, Alycia Thornton, who manages the fundraising for

A Roach Inspired Visit to NYC Read More »

Plant Information…it’s all on the Internet…right?

It’s scary how many people rely on the Internet for all their plant knowledge. Sure, you can find some helpful information on-line, but so much of what is there is simply repeated from one writer to the next, without anyone who has actually grown the plants, checking it for accuracy. More and more important books

Plant Information…it’s all on the Internet…right? Read More »

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