Texas plantsman

Muhlenbergia lindheimeri

Lindheimer’s Muhly

One of our all time favorite ornamental grasses graces us with its stunning display of plumes each year, starting in mid-October. Lindheimer’s Muhly (pronounced mulee) grass hails from central Texas (Edwards Plateau) south to northern Mexico, where it’s found growing on alkaline oak savannahs. Its specific epithet commemorates the Father of Texas Botany, German immigrant,

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Yucca Doo Vivero

It was great to spend several days last week walking through the nursery and gardens with our dear friends, Carl Schoenfeld and Wade Roitsch of the former Yucca Do Nursery. Wade is still gardening and plant exploring in Texas, while Carl has opened Yucca Doo Vivero at his home in Salta, Argentina. You can follow

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Lynn’s Big Monkey

Flowering today at JLBG is Liriope gigantea ‘Lynn Lowrey’. This selection is named after the late Texas plantsman, and is the largest form of the largest species of monkey grass. This tight clump former can reach 3.5′ tall, when happy. The flowers don’t emerge until early September, making it one of the latest liriope species

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