White-topped sedge

Dichromena latifolia in flower3One of our favorite native plants is in full flower in the garden…the unusual white-topped sedge.  Dichromena (Rhynchospora) latifolia makes a slowly spreading patch that resembles a carex until the odd white flower spikes occur in mid-summer.  Although it usually is found in seasonally flooded sites, we have found it also makes a great specimen in all but the driest garden sites.


10 thoughts on “White-topped sedge”

      1. So, would it disappear entirely in winter, or would it be a light brown colored dried grassy-looking clump, that might move with the wind? Just trying to determine if it would add winter interest as many grasses do, or completely disappear. Thank you!

  1. How does this do in shade? I’m looking for a plant that survives flooding & is tolerant of shade. Only requirement is that it lives.

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