Colocasias are a genus that can bring a taste of the tropics to your backyard garden. Colocasia ‘Thailand Giant’ is a huge strain of the giant elephant ear that can reach 9′ tall in the wild, and certainly makes its presence known in the garden. Can you say WOW factor! Each glaucous grey-green leaf is up to 5′ long and 4′ wide. It also produces abundant 8″ flowers with white spathes from summer into fall. Learn how to grow elephant ears here.
So if you’re looking for a tropical escape and want to make a bold statement in your garden, or just want to impress your friends and neighbors, get your very own Giant today!
So will this come back yearly or does it have to be dug up in the fall for special treatment during winter months or?
Do these need to be dug up each Winter and stored or can they be left in the ground over the Winter?
These are marginal in our area, so we recommend digging them in fall.
I bought this plant from Plant Delights and just love it. How can I send you a picture of my plant?
You can post it on our Facebook page.
I live in the Houston area–very hot and humid. The spot I have in mind for this beauty gets full sun from about 11:00-4:00. Do I need to “harden” the plant before putting into the ground, and if so, how do you suggest doing that?
Just make sure it gets plenty of water until it gets established.