Carex ‘Silk Tassel’

Carex morrowii Silk Tassel emerging2We’ve been growing Carex ‘Silk Tassel’ for nearly three decades and it is one of our woodland ornamental grasses.  The very narrow variegated leaves are an absolutely delightful texture, although it’s hard to photograph well.  Here’s our latest attempt to capture it as the new growth emerges in the garden this week.


3 thoughts on “Carex ‘Silk Tassel’”

  1. We are downsizing soon to a new ranch home with a spacious growing area. I have been making a list of which favorite plants to take with me. Carex is first on the list. I don’t know which variety I have but it is only 4 years old and has been so healthy and strong and beautiful and of course I got it from you at a spring open house. Also all my Plants Delight hostas are going and on and on and on!!!

  2. Thank you for posting photos of spring’s emerging growth. The colors, textures, and shapes are just as exciting as the fabulous tulips!

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