We hope you’ll join us for our first official Juniper Level Botanic Garden Endowment fundraiser on Friday June 14, from 3-8pm. This unique event will consist of a tour of Tony and Anita’s private four-acre home garden. This 10 year-old garden section is the largest of the JLBG gardens, but one that has never been open to the public before. Tony and some of the garden staff will be on hand to show you around and answer your garden questions. The garden encases the Avents’ home, designed by award-winning, NC modernist architect, Frank Harmon, who will be on hand to chat with attendees. In addition to dining on heavy hor’d’overs as you wander through the garden, representatives from NC State will also be present to chat about the JLBG Endowment and future of the gardens as part of NC State’s JC Raulston Arboretum. Your presence and gift to the endowment will greatly support the future of Juniper Level Botanic Gardens. We plan to make it a memorable and fun garden experience for all attendees!

The design theme of our home garden focuses on larger drifts than are used throughout the rest of JLBG. To pique your interest, below are a few preview images. As you can see, this garden section is designed as a relaxing pleasure garden, compared to the the public parts of JLBG. While we love to keep our personal garden space private, we also realize the importance of using this tool to help fund the endowment and so have created the opportunity to host this annual event. We are, however, limiting attendance to keep the event more intimate, so we really hope you can join us and sign up early!
All proceeds will go directly to the Juniper Level Botanic Garden Endowment at NC State University. Because the funds go directly to the 501(c) 3 non-profit, the majority of the ticket price (other than the food, etc.) is tax deductible. To register for the June 14 event, click here.
Fund raising efforts for Juniper Level Botanic Garden operate under the auspices of The Endowment Fund of NC State University, a 501(c)3 non-profit, tax id 56-6000756. You will receive an official receipt for your donation.

Thank you for your interest in preserving JLBG for future generations. We look forward to seeing you in June! – tony and anita