We have been very impressed with the very narrow selection of our East Coast native arborviatae, Thuja occidentalis ‘Brobeck’s Tower’. This has been in the garden now for 4 years, and is 6′ in height and just over 1′ in width. This seedling selection was made by Sweeden’s Anders Brobeck, where the same plant takes 20 years to reach this height, due to a lack of summer heat.
Green Bean Pole
American Native Plants, botanic garden, columnar, conifers, Dwarf Plants, evergreen, evergreen foliage, evergreen native, evergreen shrub, evergreen trees, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, native, native plants, native trees, natural world, nature, North American natives, Plant Delights Nursery, seedling, seedling variability, Tony Avent, zone 7b
What are it’s preferred light requirements in zone 7b North Carolina? Full sun? Light shade? etc. If unknown, what light does it get in JLPG?
Either full or half day sun is great.