I just snapped this photo of Helleborus ‘Merlin’ in the garden…the flowers are a mysterious dusty pink. This is one of the sterile Christmas rose hybrids with outfacing flowers, and silver-veined foliage.
I just snapped this photo of Helleborus ‘Merlin’ in the garden…the flowers are a mysterious dusty pink. This is one of the sterile Christmas rose hybrids with outfacing flowers, and silver-veined foliage.
If it is sterile do you divide? I have one for f these and I would like to divide but will it divide as easy as the “normal’ hellebores?
Yes, these can be divided easily when dormant. It is, however, illegal to divide a patented plant. Most of the Helleborus niger hybrids on the market are all patented. Once the 20 year patent expires, divide away.