Introverted anemone

We love fall anemones, but don’t allow them in our garden. Well, we did once upon a time, and after 20 years of trying to exterminate it, we’re almost ready to negotiate the rental of a small nuclear device to handle what we’ve been unable to accomplish with traditional garden weaponry

In the garden, fall anemones are like extroverts on a sugar IV drip…they run around and socialize with everyone nearby, never seeming to slow down. Consequently, it always fascinated us that most nurseries and catalogs fail to mention that these will run rampant through your garden. 

Every time we see a new anemone enter the market, we inquire if it runs, and as you can imagine, we’ve been given incorrect information quite often as we discovered after our on-site trials. We had almost given up our quest for a well-behaved fall anemone, when up popped the “Swan Series”. In our trials, these gems absolutely refused to run, while still putting on an amazing show. The most popular of the “Swans” in the trade is Anemone ‘Wild Swan’, which is very nice, but doesn’t hold a candle to Anemone ‘Dreaming Swan’ in side by side trials.  We hope you’ll see for yourself what it’s like to grow such an amazing and well-behaved anemone. Winter hardiness is at least Zone 6a-8b, and probably colder. 

6 thoughts on “Introverted anemone”

  1. I garden in The Dalles, Oregon. The area is classified Z8a, Warm to hot summers cool to cold winters. Very dry conditions in both soil and atmosphere. Will Anemone ‘Dreaming Swan’ enjoy such conditions?

  2. Thanks so much Tony for info. I was not aware of the spreading nature of anemone & planted 1 plant 2 years ago & therefore have a lot of them coming up!! I have earmarked these to replace the ones I am going to dig up. I will be placing order soon as I love these flowers in the Fall. Love PD site as you always give us so much needed info on the plants.

  3. Funny! The only fall anemones we ever bought, ‘September Charm’, came from Plant Delights back when it was a new business. Since then, they’ve spread by runner and by seed, so now we have some that are darker, and lighter, some doubles too. Occasionally, when they’re threatening to take over their neighbors, we remove most of them, but we never get them all and that’s OK.

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