Borinda macclureana is another superb clumping bamboo that has never received the good PR afforded other more popular species. Collected in Tibet at nearly 11,000′ elevation, it really has no business growing in the hot, humid southeastern climate, but that’s why we trial plants. Although Borinda macclureana can reach 25′ in its native haunts, our 15 year old specimen has only reached 8′ tall x 8′ wide.
MacClure’s Bamboo
bamboo plants, botanic garden, clumping bamboo, evergreen, evergreen foliage, Evergreen Perennials, evergreens for shade, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, Plant Delights Nursery, shade gardening, shade loving perennials, shade loving plants, shade perennials, Tibet native, Tony Avent, zone 7b
Have you heard how tall this grows in other places, like the Pacific Northwest?
Yes, this tops out around 20′ in height in the PNW