We always look forward to late June with the patches of Sinningia tubiflora burst into flower. This rhizomatous perennial, first cousin to African Violets’, is rock hardy to 0 degrees F. This South American native (Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay) forms a dense deciduous groundcover, topped with these long-tubbed, honeysuckle-fragranced flowers that attract nocturnal moths with a really long proboscis.
Nectar tubes
Argentina native, botanic garden, deciduous perennial, Fragrant Flowers, gesneriad, ground cover for shade, groundcover, groundcover plants, groundcovers, groundcovers for sun, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, Plant Delights Nursery, Sinningia, South American plants, summer flowering perennials, summer flowers, Tony Avent, white flowers, zone 7b
I grew Sinningia tubiflora in a container. The fragrance is ethereal and my plant (in the greater St. Louis area) bloomed throughout summer. In autumn, after the plant entered dormancy, I over-wintered in my basement withholding water until early spring. A jewel!