In case you aren’t on our email list, we just added a large number of new hellebores to the website, including some quantity discounts where supplies allow. FYI, the photo above is Helleborus x hybridus ‘Red Sapphire’. Once these are gone, that’s all the hellebores we’ll have for the rest of the year!
I would like some info on ordering this!
You’ll find the link to order here. If you don’t like to order on-line, just call 919.772.4794. Thanks.
I would love to buy this Red Sapphire Hellebores. Please email me the price and how to order it.
You’ll find the link to order here. If you don’t like to order on-line, just call 919.772.4794. Thanks.
Tony, is the zone information on Helleborus x sternii correct? No colder than 7b??? Most of the other sources rate it to zone 6. I know its parents are both basically Western Mediterranean, but I would like to be sure of its range. Thanks!
Zone 6 might be possible under enough snow, but ours burn to the ground every year in a typical Zone 7b winter.