On the road, again

Just back from the Perennial Plant Association Symposium, held this year in Denver. The annual meeting, designed for garden professionals, includes plenty of tours and talks.  The meeting attracts garden designers, garden workers, garden writers & speakers, nursery growers, retailers, and perennial plant lovers from around the world. It’s a great chance to meet and chat with just about anyone you’ve ever heard, who works with perennials.  (Front, right with the backpack is Joseph Tychonievich, who wrote the new book, Rock Gardening; Reimagining a Classic Style.  Did I mention that next years’ PPA will be in Raleigh/Durham, NC from July 30-August 3.  I’m sure you don’t want to miss such an amazing opportunity! 

The amazing Denver Botanic Garden was our dinner site, what an amazing place to stroll and learn. Denver Botanic Garden is one of the premier gardens in the US, combining incredible design with an incomparable collection of rare and little-known plants.

Crevice gardening has really taken hold in Denver, and here is the newest twist on crevice construction at the Denver Botanic Garden…amazing stonework.  This is part of the new Steppe Garden (grassland prairies near mountains), managed by DBG curator, Mike Bone (below).  Mike is an astounding plantsman/plant explorer, who also gave a hilarious and educational program for the attendees. 

Denver Botanic Garden’s rock star, Panayoti Kelaidis also welcomed the group to tour his home garden, where we oohed and aahed over an array of tiny treasures.   More highlights to follow. 

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