Here are a couple of fern images from the garden yesterday. First is our giant painted fern, Athyrium ‘Godzilla’, which can reach 6′ wide x 3′ tall. To avoid chlorophyll shed in the garden, it’s best planted a far distance from Hosta ‘Mothra’ or Hosta ‘Rhodan’.
Here is the lovely Athyrium nipponicum ‘Burgandy Lace‘..hard to beat this color in the spring garden.
Can you explain what you mean by “To avoid chlorophyll shed in the garden, it’s best planted a far distance from Hosta ‘Mothra’ or Hosta ‘Rhodan’.”
Mothra and Rhodan were two of Godzilla’s biggest nemesis.
Ah! Duh. I thought this was some strange hort phenomenon I hadn’t heard of!
You’re going to confuse people, Tony. Rodan (which the Japanese producers apparently spell “Radon,” when anglicising his name) does not have an H in his name. You’ve been hanging around too many Rhododendron!
You’re right…hope Rodan or his relatives aren’t reading this.
I can see the headlines now: Unexplained Pteranodon attack at World-renowned N.C. Nursery!
Did you disturb a long-lost nest on one of your expeditions, perhaps?
Let me hide the baby plants!
Tony, which of the cultivars (of the ones you offer) holds its color the best?
For us, they all hold pretty well. Very hot temps dull them all a bit from their spring intensity. If they get tired looking in summer, just cut them to the ground and they will reflush with fresh color.