One of our 2019 selected offspring from our cross of Agave ovatifolia and Agave x pseudoferox, and subsequently named Agave x ovox ‘Picture Perfect’ is looking lovely in the garden in January, as it shows off its amazing leaf banding and bud imprinting. This has only been in the ground for five years, so it’s a rather fast grower.

Do you all do anything to winterize your agave? Covering with a tarp, etc. How protected is it? We’ve tried to grow agave here (Knoxville, TN) a few times and invariably we would always lose half the foliage to cold damage, and then it spent the rest of the year recovering, only for it to happen again. We would tarp it with a heavy tarp.
We don’t protect our agaves in the garden since we want to determine their maximum cold weather tolerances. In colder climates, however, it certainly would help to provide some cover. The best solution I’ve seen is to suspend a piece of plexiglass over the top of the plant to keep off cold rain, which is the worst culprit. The other issue is simply radiational cooling. The plant will stay warmer if it has something other than open skies above it in winter on the coldest nights. A tarp could work, but would be best if the tarp didn’t actually touch the foliage.
Beautiful. It’s living up to its name.