Sinningia – a flowering machine

Sinningia Arkansas BellsHere’s a recent photo from the garden of one of our favorite full sun, summer-flowering perennials, Sinningia ‘Arkansas Bells’.  This amazing African violet relative thrives with cactus and agaves in our full sun rock garden, flowering from April until September, during which time, the hummingbirds have to wait their turn.  We don’t currently offer this because not enough folks purchased it last time, which drives us a little nuts!  It’s only winter hardy to 5 degrees F in the ground, but makes a superb container plant in colder zones.  So, why do more people not buy this?  Please convince us to propagate some more since it is so wonderful.





26 thoughts on “Sinningia – a flowering machine”

  1. I have Sinningia conspicua from your place and love this one as well. However I don’t have full sun for this guy so it’s a no but wish it were a yes.

  2. This eighth generation Arkansan covets your Sinningia Arkansas Belle and would be most grateful if you would propagate it again. Please. Pretty please.

  3. You know if you push it folks will buy it or get Steve Bender from Southern Living to feature it and it will fly off the shelves

  4. Must really frustrating when people don’t buy the plants you know they should!!!!
    Although it must work the other way also????

  5. Scott Lindstrom

    The two Sinningia ‘Arkansas Bells’ that I bought from you continue to do great in their pots. Very easy plants, plenty of flowers. If they ever die, I’d want to buy more from you.

  6. I’d buy it … but I’d try it in more shade where I have been growing plants like S. ‘Bananas Foster’. I wonder if folks are put off by the “African Violet relative” bit (accurate though it may be!) as it raises visions of house plant tenderness, not a plant that’ll take 5 deg in the garden?

  7. JoyceBinAtlanta

    Am I too late to encourage you to offer Sinningia again?? I do so well with African violets in my very bright kitchen – 39 at last count, and not spindly little starts, either! They bloom when they feel like it, so some are flowering every day of the year. I have sun… and rocks… and we certainly have heat in north GA. But think I’d keep my Sinningia potted on the deck near the hummingbird feeder for the first year, and would bring it in for winter. Yup, if it is in the African violet family, I know it will do well here, and I want at least one! Please let me know when they’re ready 🙂

      1. JoyceBinAtlanta

        I just joined a new gardening group and will tell people about Sinningia. Anything labeled ‘Hummingbird plant’ catches attention in my area, as all of us are competing to ‘own’ the most flying jewels!!

  8. I’m in Zone 8a. It’s so lovely I’d create a sunny spot for it if I had to. Would the Sinningia still want full sun? I’m guessing I could also grow it indoors, too, right?

  9. I am currently building a flight for 50 + lorikeets in south Florida. I am looking for plants that provide nectar like grevilleas and others that will grow in my area. Could you make suggestions on plants that are readly available?

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