Still born

We had a number of hybrid Cycas (sago palms) to flower this year, but almost all were females. Unfortunately, we had only one male plant to flower, and it opened long after the females were receptive. Despite this, one of our females is still holding on to the unfertilized ovules, which result in these seasonally ornamental aborted seed. Hopefully next year, them males and females will line up better for fruitful pollination.

Cycas x taithuaensis (taitungensis x panzhihuaensis)(female)

4 thoughts on “Still born”

  1. Have you tried collecting pollen and storing it under refrigeration until the following year?
    Our first Titan Arum flowered about 1990. We collected pollen the following day. Females were not receptive at time of antithesis. Collected and put in glasseen type envelopes which were then placed in a Mason jar filled with dried non fat milk. This is less harsh than silica gel. Moisture higher in the dried mild. Maybe 15% rather than 1-5% in the jel. One week in the fridge, tgen placed in the freezer.
    We were lucky as another Titan Arum flowered. We pollinated with the frozen pollen right out of the freezer and got a lot of viable seed.
    Hope you set up a pollen bank using this protocol. Will help with propagation for sure if it works for you.
    Use a perfume atomizer type bottle to puff the pollen into the cracks in the female cones. Maybe replace in freezer when done sterilize bottle and squirt the at least 25% alcohol thru the spray part too. Let air dry and use again after at least in well ventilated area. Could use vodka out of the bottle if desired. Mist that martini, wine cooler so it doesn’t go to waste☺️.
    Good luck. Hope that will put the “odds ever in your favor☺️🙏🏼🖖🏼👍🏼.”

    1. We had hoped to gather pollen and store it from our single male cone last summer, but missed the window. We will certainly try to build a cycad pollen bank, so as not to miss future opportunities.

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