Striking Gold

Trillium cuneatum ‘Oconee Gold’ is a rare gold-flowered selection of the typically purple-flowered southeastern toadshade. We found our original plant of this in Oconee County, SC, and have propagated them from seed since that time. If we keep the yellow-flowered plants isolated from purple-flowering clones, we have more than 50% that reproduce with yellow flowers. The time from seed to flower is usually five years. Winter hardiness is Zone 5a-8b.

6 thoughts on “Striking Gold”

  1. I think I saw these in bloom on the last day of your winter open house. Beautiful! Did they survive Saturday night’s frigid cold temps in the low 20’s?

  2. Janelle Frazier

    I have a ‘clumps of Trillium cuneatum, every year the flowers are maroon red color. This year all are the red color except one flower bloomed yellow! First time I’ve seen this for this plant! I would like to send you a photo of this plant. I am wondering if I should ‘leave it be’ or try to separate this one lone yellow from the clump? May I send the photo to you by email? I’m in Forsyth County – Winston Salem, NC.

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