Here’s a recent image of the amazing Colocasia esculenta ‘Maui Sunrise’, still looking great in late October! Moist, rich soils and full sun are the key for your plants to look this spectacular! Winter hardiness is Zone 7b and warmer.
Sunrise over Maui
aroid, Aroids, best perennials for full sun, botanic garden, Colocasia, colorful foliage, hardy aroids, hardy tropicals, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, perennials for full sun, summer flowers, sun garden, sun loving plants, sun perennials, sunny perennials, Tony Avent, tropical looking plants, variegated, variegated foliage, variegated leaves, Variegated Plants, zone 7b
I didn’t see the dalea before –I NEED that! Maybe available to plant next spring?