fall blooming native

Symphyotrichum elliottii

Elliott’s Nest

It’s hard to resist posting photos of the late-flowering, Southeast US native, Symphyotrichum (Aster) elliottii. It’s namesake was SC Natural History and Botany Professor, Steven Elliott (1771-1830). After most of the garden has shut down for fall, this amazing and exceedingly vigorous aster bursts into flower, quickly becoming a landing pad for an array of

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Coreopsis palustris 'Summer Sunshine'

Swamp Creature

Looking great in the garden now is the amazing southeast US (coastal NC south to northern Florida) native, Coreopsis palustris ‘Summer Sunshine’. Our 2000 introduction has rated at the top of the list at the famed Mt. Cuba native plant trials. It’s nice when one of our introductions get the independent adulation it deserves. Although

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Chromolaena ivifolia


Just finishing its flowering season is the picture-worthy, fall-flowering native, Chromolaena ivifolia. This fascinating Southeast US (Florida west to Texas and south to Central America) native was a eupatorium in a former life, before being relegated to a genus that sounds more like it should be in the title to a follow-up to the Macarena

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Eurybia hemispherica 'Baby Blues'

The Aster hemisphere

Eurybia hemispherica ‘Baby Blues’ (southern prairie aster), formerly known as Aster hemispherica, is a little-grown South Central US (Kansas south to Florida) native aster that’s thrived in our full sun garden since 2011. This Van der Giessen Nursery collection of this little-known mesic (moderately moist) to dryland species hails from the Black Belt region of

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Panicum amarulum 'Johnston Blue'

Another Panic-ed Name Change

A splendid native ornamental grass that is virtually unknown in both gardens and Google, is the East Coast (Rhode Island south to Mexico’s Yucatan peninsula) coastal native, Panicum amarulum or dune switchgrass. It was named in 1900 from specimens in Virginia Beach, and for years lived a free and independent life, until someone decided that

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If you grow it, they may not buy it

One of the frustrating things about growing and propagating plants is when you find an incredible plant, offer it for sale, and virtually no one buys it. Such is the case with the Texas native, Ageratina havanensis, aka: Havana Mistflower, Eupatorium havanense. This fascinating woody perennial, formerly classified as a eupatorium, forms a 3′ tall

If you grow it, they may not buy it Read More »

Tressing Up for the Fall Dance

Here is one of our bog gardens showing off the lovely native Spiranthes bightensis ‘Chadd’s Ford’, wrapping up its flowering in early November. This easy-to-grow native orchid is right at home with sarracenias (pitcher plants) in very moist soils. Despite its popularity in gardens, Spiranthes bightensis has a global rarity rank of G1, meaning it

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