The Bloomin’ Garden!

Here some images of plants blooming in the garden this week.

Camellias are a great evergreen plant for the garden and depending on the species they offer blooms from fall, sporadically through the winter and into spring.

Edgeworthia and hellebores are both winter bloomers and the blooms pair well floating in a bowl of water.

3 thoughts on “The Bloomin’ Garden!”

  1. I have Edgeworthia Snow cream that I purchased from Plant Delights and love it. I also have several varieties of hellebores and camellias that have been gorgeous this winter both at our home in Fairfax County, VA and at our second home in Emerald Isle, NC. The edgeworthia took a hit in EI after Hurricane Florence in 2018. It sat in a great deal of moisture for a long period of time, as we had major flooding in our community there. It it has recovered nicely. The one in VA is in a protected area and looks great.

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