We’re Hiring!

Shipping garage 03.2.2015

We have begun the hiring of seasonal shippers to help get all those plants out the door and to their new families.  Peak season is from March through June, but could continue longer, so if you live nearby, are physically (and mentally) fit, and have time available, we’d love to hear from you. Dave and Thomas building fence in snowWe also have one immediate opening for a Full-time Maintenance and Facilities Specialist if you happen to have such skills, or have someone with those skills nearby.

You may click on the embedded links for more details and contact information




2 thoughts on “We’re Hiring!”

  1. If you guys are still hiring seasonal part time help? I’d love to work there. PDN is my favorite nursery, I live just outside Angier and have pretty much every weekday and Saturdays free as long as I can get my kids to and from school. I have my own truck, transportation. phone number is 919-576-5278..thank you

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