Winding up the Loop

A couple of years ago, we blogged about the new Raleigh Interstate 540 highway loop that seized a bit of our land. Much progress has been made on the highway since that time, and supposedly less than a year remains before it will be open for traffic. Here are a couple of recent images showing the progress, from what used to be garden property. The first images is looking east toward the Hwy 50 exit. The second image is looking west toward Sauls Road, where there will not be an exit. At least this should save some folks time in the future when driving to our Open Nursery & Garden Days.

I-540 construction heading east
I-540 construction heading west

4 thoughts on “Winding up the Loop”

  1. Prior to completing the inner loop of Raleigh’s beltline and the building of I40 there were miles of trails through mature forests and bottomland swamps from the Southeast Raleigh section of Walnut Creek out to Rock Quarry Road. At that time Rock Quarry near Sunnybrook Rd and Coastal Credit Union Amphitheater was bordered by farm land very similar to that along the Ten Ten and Sauls Road area of Juniper Level. You could walk these trails without crossing a road or seeing another house for miles. The last section of the beltline to be completed bisected this trail system, and for years you could see remnants of the main path on each side of I440. Some of the land and ponds are still there, but now is surrounded on all sides by development.

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