Evergreen (and evergold) perennials are a great addition to your garden. They add texture, color, and form during the winter months when many perennials go dormant. Carex ‘Everillo’ not only adds texture and form with its thin leaves and weeping habit, but it also brightens woodland or lightly shaded garden with its bright gold color. Everillo also works well in planters paired with seasonal color such as pansies.

Carex ‘Everillo’ holds its color brightest with some morning sun and pairs nicely with blue agaves and other plants with colorful foliage.

Here is a picture of Carex ‘Everillo’ in our sales house ready to ship to you. We have extended our shipping until December 9, and you can also pick up at the Nursery, so you still have a chance to light up your garden or mixed planters for the holidays.

How cold hardy?
Everillo is hardy to zone 5a.