Here’s a recent shot on our dryland welcome berm with the amazing southwest US (Arizona, Texas) native, Thymophylla pentachaeta var. pentachaeta ‘Laredo Gold’ in full flower. This incredible perennial has been in flower since spring in this rocky, un-irrigated bed. I’m not sure how much more you can ask from a perennial. Hardiness in zone 7b to 9b, at least.

I guess the only thing one might ask is whether you have any idea if it is deer resistant? And also, does it have to be planted in a xeric half PermaTil bed, or can it handle average soil that does not puddle? How many hours of sun as a minimum? Would part sun work? If it meets those criteria, it would be perfect!
We don’t invite the deer for a buffet, so can’t comment. I would think 6 hours of sun would be necessary for best performance.
This would be excellent in a very dry rocky spot on my property. That is if it is Deer resistant? Could you tell me if it is?
Mary Bean