Amorphophallus titanum!!

If you haven’t heard, there is an Amorphophallus titanum in bloom at the greenhouse conservatory on NC State’s campus. The conservatory also doubles as a classroom, so it isn’t be available for public viewing, but you can watch it bloom live on this page.

The flower of the giant titan arum is one of the largest flowers in the plant kingdom, and has a smell reminiscent of rotting flesh, hence the common name of corpse flower.

Here is a picture of PDN’s Amorphophallus titanum in the greenhouse, which is still a couple of years from flowering. We do have seedlings that were potted up last week and should be ready for shipment in 4-5 weeks (there is a picture of the seedlings below).

picture of Amorphophallus titanum in our greenhouse
Amorphophallus titanum in our greenhouse with seedlings in the background
picutre of Amorphophallus titanum seedlings
Amorphophallus titanum seedlings will be available soon!!

Not only is the titan arum impressive for it’s flower and mere size, but the patterning on the stem is absolutely amazing with dense speckling of lime and black-green near the base, and larger blotching as you move up the stem.

picture of Amorphophallus titanum stem patterning
Stem patterning on Amorphophallus titanum

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