A Walk Through the Garden!

October is a transitional month in the garden, as the plants of summer begin to fade and the stars of the autumn garden begin to shine. Join us Saturday October 8 from 10am – noon for a two-hour class…an interactive outdoor walk through our extensive botanical gardens, discussing the plants in the garden, and how and why they grow.

picture of the garden berms with agave
Garden berm with Agave, Yucca and cactus

These pictures were taken at Juniper Level Botanic Garden today.

picture from the garden - Dahlia, Gladiolus, Silene
The gardens in their fall glory
picture of Charles Grimaldi Angel Trumpet
Brugmansia ‘Charles Grimaldi’ with hundreds of blooms in the garden today
picture from the garden today - Yucca, Colocasia, Muhlenbergia
Yucca and Muhlenbergia blooming in the garden today

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