It was great during our recent winter open house to see so many folks noticing the aucubas in the garden. Of course, they are hard to miss with our collection of over 140 different taxa. There are few evergreen plants better for year-round interest in dry shade than aucuba. Here is one of the most fascinating ones that’s in flower now in early March, Aucuba himalaica var. dolichophylla. This little-known, narrow-leaf species hails from 3,000′ elevation in several southern Chinese provinces. Winter hardiness Zone 7a-9b, and perhaps a bit colder.
Aucuba…the overlooked winter shrub
aucuba, botanic garden, broad leaf evergreens, Chinese native, dry shade, evergreen, evergreen foliage, Evergreen Perennials, evergreen shrub, evergreens for shade, JLBG, juniper level botanic garden, Plant Delights Nursery, shade, shade garden, shade gardening, shade loving perennials, shade loving plants, Tony Avent, winter blooming plants, winter flowering plants, winter flowers, winter garden, winter gardening, winter open house, woodland, Woodland Garden, woodland gardens, Woodland Plants, woody ornamentals, zone 7b