BIO plant alert

In the plant nerd world, certain plants are referred to as BIO plants. This means they are so odd or so poorly named, that they will be relegated to the world of “botanical interest only” (BIO). These are indeed, plants that only a mother could love. I couldn’t resist sharing a winter photo of our azalea, Rhododendron ‘Herzog’s Non-Flowering’. This selection came from the retired nurseryman, Don Herzog, who’s nursery, Miniature Plant Kingdom, was the favorite of miniature railroad collectors. As the name implies, this azalea looks the same every week of the year…always without flowers. I’m not sure why anyone would want such a plant, including yours truly.

Rhododendron ‘Herzog’s Non-Flowering’

1 thought on “BIO plant alert”

  1. I love the fact that you maintain this BIO azalea. Who knows what secrets they hold! I myself have a 20+yo dogwood tree that has never bloomed. Who knows. maybe one day…

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