Daphniphyllum ‘Mountain Dove’

One of the most coveted plants in our garden are the variegated forms of the Asian broadleaf evergreen, Daphniphyllum. Of the 30 species, only two have named variegated forms, Daphniphyllum macropodum and Daphniphyllum teysmannii . As best we know, these were first brought into the US from Japan in the early 1990s, by Barry Yinger of the former Asiatica Nursery. The late J.C. Raulston and I went together to purchase the first three clones that Barry introduced, with the goal of sharing propagation material with nurseries interested in propagating these and making them available. I should mention that these are notoriously difficult to propagate vegetatively. Propagation by grafting in the US, has been slow and spotty, and to the best of our knowledge, only two nurseries have had success with propagation Nurseries Caroliniana in SC, and Garden Treasures in NC. Buying these is like buying a living limited edition Rolex, so if you see these available, I’d grab them quickly. Hardiness is Zone 7b – 10b, at least.

Daphniphyllum teysmannii ‘Mountain Dove’

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